The Color object has the following members and functions
'*If you need more than one color, there are instances of this object named "color1, color2"
r As Single
g As Single
b As Single
a As Single
Sub SetColor(ByVal r1 As Single, ByVal g1 As Single, ByVal b1 As Single)
Sub SetRGBA(ByVal r1 As Single, ByVal g1 As Single, ByVal b1 As Single, ByVal a1 As Single)
Sub SetVBColor(C As VBColor)
Sub SetPacked(C As Long)
Function GetRGBA() As Long
Sub Lerp(c1 As VBColor, ByVal v As Single)
Sub Lerp2(c1 As VBColor, c2 As VBColor, ByVal v As Single)
Sub Lerp_rgb(ByVal r1 As Single, ByVal g1 As Single, ByVal b1 As Single, ByVal v As Single)
'linear interpolate between colors
Sub LerpPacked(ByVal c1 As Single, ByVal c2 As Single, ByVal v As Single)
Sub HSV(ByVal h As Single, ByVal s As Single, ByVal v As Single, ByVal a As Single)
Sub YUV(ByVal y As Single, ByVal U As Single, ByVal v As Single, ByVal a As Single)
Function Saturate()
'saturate color to values between 0-255 per channel
'returns the luminance of the color
Function Luminance() As Single
'sets the color to that of the gradient in Howler. v=0-255 (bilinear interpolated non integers). index is 0-7
'-1 is current index
Sub Gradient(ByVal v As Single, Optional ByVal index As Long = -1)
'If index = -1 Then index = currentindex
'returns a named color. the names are those used by Howlers Colors By Name panel
Function ColorFromName(ByVal Name As String) As Long
'Returns a named color. The names are standard web colors
Function WebColorFromName(ByVal Name As String) as long
Sub RgbToHls(ByVal r As Single, ByVal g As Single, _
ByVal b As Single, ByRef h As Single, ByRef L As _
Single, ByRef s As Single)
' Convert an HLS (HSL) value into an RGB value.
Sub HLSToRgb(ByVal h As Single, ByVal L As Single, _
ByVal s As Single, ByRef r As Single, ByRef g As _
Single, ByRef b As Single)
Function QqhToRgb(ByVal q1 As Single, ByVal q2 As _
Single, ByVal Hue As Single) As Single
Enum ColorPresets
VB_AliceBlue = &HF0F8FF
VB_AntiqueWhite = &HFAEBD7
VB_Aqua = &HFFFF&
VB_Aquamarine = &H7FFFD4
VB_Azure = &HF0FFFF
VB_Beige = &HF5F5DC
VB_Bisque = &HFFE4C4
VB_Black = &H0&
VB_BlanchedAlmond = &HFFEBCD
VB_Blue = &HFF&
VB_BlueViolet = &H8A2BE2
VB_Brown = &HA52A2A
VB_BurlyWood = &HDEB887
VB_CadetBlue = &H5F9EA0
VB_Chartreuse = &H7FFF00
VB_Chocolate = &HD2691E
VB_Coral = &HFF7F50
VB_CornflowerBlue = &H6495ED
VB_Cornsilk = &HFFF8DC
VB_Crimson = &HDC143C
VB_Cyan = &HFFFF&
VB_DarkBlue = &H8B&
VB_DarkCyan = &H8B8B&
VB_DarkGoldenrod = &HB8860B
VB_DarkGray = &HA9A9A9
VB_DarkGreen = &H6400&
VB_DarkKhaki = &HBDB76B
VB_DarkMagenta = &H8B008B
VB_DarkOliveGreen = &H556B2F
VB_DarkOrange = &HFF8C00
VB_DarkOrchid = &H9932CC
VB_DarkRed = &H8B0000
VB_DarkSalmon = &HE9967A
VB_DarkSeaGreen = &H8FBC8F
VB_DarkSlateBlue = &H483D8B
VB_DarkSlateGray = &H2F4F4F
VB_DarkTurquoise = &HCED1&
VB_DarkViolet = &H9400D3
VB_DeepPink = &HFF1493
VB_DeepSkyBlue = &HBFFF&
VB_DimGray = &H696969
VB_DodgerBlue = &H1E90FF
VB_Firebrick = &HB22222
VB_FloralWhite = &HFFFAF0
VB_ForestGreen = &H228B22
VB_Fuchsia = &HFF00FF
VB_Gainsboro = &HDCDCDC
VB_GhostWhite = &HF8F8FF
VB_Gold = &HFFD700
VB_Goldenrod = &HDAA520
VB_gray = &H808080
VB_Green = &H8000&
VB_GreenYellow = &HADFF2F
VB_Honeydew = &HF0FFF0
VB_HotPink = &HFF69B4
VB_IndianRed = &HCD5C5C
VB_Indigo = &H4B0082
VB_Ivory = &HFFFFF0
VB_Khaki = &HF0E68C
VB_Lavender = &HE6E6FA
VB_LavenderBlush = &HFFF0F5
VB_LawnGreen = &H7CFC00
VB_LemonChiffon = &HFFFACD
VB_LightBlue = &HADD8E6
VB_LightCoral = &HF08080
VB_LightCyan = &HE0FFFF
VB_LightGoldenrodYellow = &HFAFAD2
VB_LightGray = &HD3D3D3
VB_LightGreen = &H90EE90
VB_LightPink = &HFFB6C1
VB_LightSalmon = &HFFA07A
VB_LightSeaGreen = &H20B2AA
VB_LightSkyBlue = &H87CEFA
VB_LightSlateGray = &H778899
VB_LightSteelBlue = &HB0C4DE
VB_LightYellow = &HFFFFE0
VB_Lime = &HFF00&
VB_LimeGreen = &H32CD32
VB_Linen = &HFAF0E6
VB_Magenta = &HFF00FF
VB_Maroon = &H800000
VB_MediumAquamarine = &H66CDAA
VB_MediumBlue = &HCD&
VB_MediumOrchid = &HBA55D3
VB_MediumPurple = &H9370DB
VB_MediumSeaGreen = &H3CB371
VB_MediumSlateBlue = &H7B68EE
VB_MediumSpringGreen = &HFA9A&
VB_MediumTurquoise = &H48D1CC
VB_MediumVioletRed = &HC71585
VB_MidnightBlue = &H191970
VB_MintCream = &HF5FFFA
VB_MistyRose = &HFFE4E1
VB_Moccasin = &HFFE4B5
VB_NavajoWhite = &HFFDEAD
VB_Navy = &H80&
VB_OldLace = &HFDF5E6
VB_Olive = &H808000
VB_OliveDrab = &H6B8E23
VB_Orange = &HFFA500
VB_OrangeRed = &HFF4500
VB_Orchid = &HDA70D6
VB_PaleGoldenrod = &HEEE8AA
VB_PaleGreen = &H98FB98
VB_PaleTurquoise = &HAFEEEE
VB_PaleVioletRed = &HDB7093
VB_PapayaWhip = &HFFEFD5
VB_PeachPuff = &HFFDAB9
VB_Peru = &HCD853F
VB_Pink = &HFFC0CB
VB_Plum = &HDDA0DD
VB_PowderBlue = &HB0E0E6
VB_Purple = &H800080
VB_rebeccapurple = &H663399
VB_Red = &HFF0000
VB_RosyBrown = &HBC8F8F
VB_RoyalBlue = &H4169E1
VB_SaddleBrown = &H8B4513
VB_Salmon = &HFA8072
VB_SandyBrown = &HF4A460
VB_SeaGreen = &H2E8B57
VB_SeaShell = &HFFF5EE
VB_Sienna = &HA0522D
VB_Silver = &HC0C0C0
VB_SkyBlue = &H87CEEB
VB_SlateBlue = &H6A5ACD
VB_SlateGray = &H708090
VB_snow = &HFFFAFA
VB_SpringGreen = &HFF7F&
VB_SteelBlue = &H4682B4
VB_Tan = &HD2B48C
VB_Teal = &H8080&
VB_Thistle = &HD8BFD8
VB_Tomato = &HFF6347
VB_Turquoise = &H40E0D0
VB_Violet = &HEE82EE
VB_Wheat = &HF5DEB3
VB_WhiteSmoke = &HF5F5F5
VB_Yellow = &HFFFF00
VB_YellowGreen = &H9ACD32
End Enum
Code snipped:
for n=1 to 360
color.setcolor r, g, b 'rotate the hue of the color specified by r,g,b
color.hsv n,1,255,255