The Image object
'a class for getting/setting Howler's image via a packed array of RGBA or BGRA or some similar combination of pixels.
'all the routines in this class use actual buffer size, not + 1, as in the legacy Dogwaffle class.
'these are designed to replace those in the Dogwaffle_class.
Sub Refresh()
Sub AlphaBlendWithUndo()
Sub GetImageSize(ByRef w As Long, ByRef h As Long)
Sub SetPixels(ByRef buf As Variant, Optional ByVal UseAlpha As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal FormatString As String = "BGRA")
Sub GetPixels(ByRef buf() As Byte, Optional ByVal FormatString As String = "BGRA")
Sub GetRGB(rbuf() As Byte, gbuf() As Byte, bbuf() As Byte)
Sub SetRGB(rbuf() As Byte, gbuf() As Byte, bbuf() As Byte)
Sub GetAlpha(buf() As Byte)
Sub SetAlpha(buf() As Byte)
Sub GetSelection(buf() As Byte)
Sub SetSelection(buf() As Byte)