Additional math functions object
Function pi() As Single
Function CLAMP(ByVal v, ByVal L, ByVal h)
Function Lerp(ByVal v1, ByVal v2, ByVal mu)
Function Gain(ByVal n, ByVal gamma)
'shlick gain instead of regular gamma.
Sub ShiftRight(ByVal e As Long, ByVal v As Long)
Sub ShiftLeft(ByVal e As Long, ByVal v As Long)
Sub swap(ByRef v1, ByRef v2)
Function Minimum(ByRef v1, ByRef v2)
Function Maximum(ByRef v1, ByRef v2)
Function Distance2(ByVal x, ByVal x2, ByVal y, ByVal y2)
Function Distance3(ByVal x, ByVal x2, ByVal y, ByVal y2, ByVal z, ByVal z2)
Function Cubic(t As Single, v0 As Single, v1 As Single, v2 As Single, v3 As Single)
Function Catmull(t As Single, p1 As Single, p2 As Single, p3 As Single, p4 As Single) As Single
Function smoothstep(ByVal a, ByVal b, ByVal x)
Sub Saturate_triple(ByRef r, ByRef g, ByRef b)
Function RadiansToDegrees(ByVal r)
Function DegreesToRadians(ByVal d)
Function GaussianFunction(a, b, C, x)
'computes the Gaussian curve Function in 2d
Function Arc(ByVal mu As Single) As Single 'Arc = Sqr(1 - mu ^ 2)
Function RND_range(ByVal v1, ByVal v2) As Single
'returns a random number between a specific range.
Function boxstep(ByVal a, ByVal b, ByVal x)
Function Bias(ByVal a, ByVal b)
Function IsEven(ByVal v) As Boolean
Function sum(ParamArray nums())
Sub Sort(ByRef MyArray, ByVal entries)
Function Atan2(ByVal a, ByVal b)
Function map(ByVal Value, ByVal low1, ByVal high1, ByVal low2, ByVal high2)
Function Bezier(ByVal t, ByVal p0, ByVal p1, ByVal p2)
Function CubicBezier(ByVal t, ByVal p0, ByVal p1, ByVal p2, ByVal p3)
Function Bezier4(ByVal t, ByVal p0, ByVal p1, ByVal p2, ByVal p3)
Function Cardinal(ByVal t, ByVal tension, ByVal p0, ByVal p1, ByVal p2, ByVal p3)
Function Hermite(ByVal t, ByVal p0, ByVal p1, ByVal p2, ByVal p3)
Function Hermite2(ByVal t, ByVal p0, ByVal p1, ByVal m0, ByVal m1)
'finds the nearest point on a line,
'Also Calculate the distance between the point and the point on the line.
Function DistToSegment(ByVal px As Single, ByVal py _
As Single, ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, _
ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single, ByRef near_x As _
Single, ByRef near_y As Single) As Single
Function Log2(ByVal x As Single) As Single
Function Log3(ByVal x As Single) As Single
Function LogX(ByVal x As Single, ByVal n As Single) As Single
Function Centimeter_to_Inches(ByVal C As Single) As Single
Function Inches_to_Centimeters(ByVal i As Single) As Single
Function Meters_To_Feet(ByVal m As Single) As Single
Function Feet_To_Meters(ByVal F As Single) As Single
Function Meters_To_Yards(ByVal m As Single) As Single
Function Yards_To_Meters(ByVal y As Single) As Single
Function Kilometers_To_Miles(ByVal k As Single) As Single
Function Miles_To_Kilometers(ByVal m As Single) As Single
Function Prime(ByVal n As Single) As Single
Function Celsius_To_Fahrenheit(ByVal C As Single) As Single
Function Fahrenheit_To_Celsius(ByVal F As Single) As Single