Vector object reference
Vbscript for Howler has a Vector class with the following members and functions"
'If you need more than one vector, there are also instances of the class named Vector1 and Vector2.
x As Single
y As Single
z As Single
Sub SetVector(x_ As Single, Y_ As Single, z_ As Single)
Sub SetFromVector(v As VBVector)
Sub Add(v As VBVector)
Sub Add_scaler(v As Single)
Sub Subtract(v As VBVector)
Sub Sub_scaler(v As Single)
Sub Mul(v As VBVector)
Sub Mul_scaler(v As Single)
Sub div(v As VBVector)
Sub Div_scaler(v As Single)
Function DotProduct(v As VBVector) As Single
Function VectorLength() As Single
Sub Normalize
Sub Limit(min As Single, max As Single) 'limit the magnitude
Function Mag() As Single
Function Distance(v As VBVector) As Single
Function DistanceSquare(v As VBVector) As Single
Sub SetMag(v As Single)
Sub Random() 'set to a unit length random normal
Sub RandomHemisphere() 'set to a unit length random normal
Function CrossProduct(v As VBVector) As VBVector
Function CrossProduct2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As VBVector) As VBVector
Sub Lerp(v As VBVector, mu As Single) 'lerp with this vector
Function Add2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As VBVector) As VBVector
Function Sub2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As VBVector) As VBVector
Function Mul2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As Single) As VBVector
Function Div2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As Single) As VBVector
Function Dot2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As VBVector) As Single
Function Cross2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As VBVector) As VBVector
Function Lerp2(v1 As VBVector, v2 As VBVector, mu As Single) As VBVector
Function Reflect(normal As VBVector)
Function Reflect2(n As VBVector, v As VBVector) As VBVector 'reflect a normal... (n is normal, v is vector)
Function Refract(normal As VBVector, ByVal eta As Single) As VBVector
Sub Ceiling()
Function Compare(v As VBVector) As Boolean
Function AngleBetween(v As VBVector) As Single
Function LinerCircleIntersection2d(ByVal cx As Single, ByVal cy As Single, ByVal rad As Single, pos As VBVector) As Long
Code example
public Gravity
function main()
'a version of the particle script using Howler's VBVector class through automation.
'VBScript for Howler has a vector class, called "vector" and there is are also classes named "vector1" and "vector2"
'for when you need more than one vector, for things like cross products, and so on.
'but if you need more than two, like in this case where we have an array of vectors, you will need multiple instances.
'for that, we can create instancs of the vbvector class in Howler through automation. Let's try.
set Gravity = CreateObject("Dogwaffle.vbvector") 'define a gravity vector and point it downward.
'there are a lot more types of forces we could use here
'we could use the noise function to create wind
'we could create explosion vectors, or gravity well vectors, etc.
'we could move the emmiter along a path created from keyframes, and the tangent as a vector, etc.
msgbox "Illustrates creating a very basic particle system and using vbvector class in Howler"
dogwaffle.dog_saveundo "Render particles"
dim count
dim particles()
redim particles(count-1)
'initialize the particles
for n=0 to count-1
set particles(n)=new particle
particles(n).init w/2,h/2,(rnd-.5)*15, (rnd-.5)*15
'this is the main part that initializes the drawing surface, then loops through all particles instances to update and draw them.
drawing.setantialiasing true
drawing.Usefill true
drawing.setstrokesize 2
drawing.setstrokecolorRGBA 0,0,0,255
drawing.setfillcolorRGBA 255,0,0,255
for j=1 to 100
'iterate through each particle
for n=0 to count-1
'this causes everything to be drawn onscreen.
end function
'this is the particle class
class Particle
public Position 'these are the vectors for possition and velocity of the particle.
public Velocity 'they are initialized by the init subroutine. (I don't think VBscript does constructors)
public sub init(x ,y , velocity_x, velocity_y)
set position = CreateObject("Dogwaffle.vbvector") ' use the VBVector class isntead of the build in Vector class (they are the same thing)
set velocity = CreateObject("Dogwaffle.vbvector") 'but this lets us make a new instance for each particle
end sub
public sub update()
velocity.add (Gravity) 'gravity
position.add (Velocity) 'had to dereference this with () to get it to work.
end sub
public sub Draw()
drawing.ellipse position.x,position.y,8
end sub
end class