Natural media painting, video, animation, 3D, visual effects

Cinematic visual FX in a familiar painting environment

Breakthrough real-time howling performance


About Philip & TheBest3D

Philip Staiger  is the founder and owner of, an authorized reseller and partner/co-developer of Project Dogwaffle, PD Artist, PD Particles andPD Pro Digital Painter and the all new PD Howler. He also resells or simply likes to use and promote other 2D and 3D art creation tools.

Philip has partnered with Dan Ritchie on many aspects of developing, promoting and marketing Project Dogwaffle.  He has worked for 30+ years in the 3D industry too, with graphics hardware designers (Megatek, Digital Equipment Corporation) for use in CAD, simulation and visualization, and software (Template Graphics Software, Eovia) for 3D modeling and animation.  Phil also has several years experience in the security software (ESET) and translation industry (SYSTRAN). He holds an Electrical Engineering degree from Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute (EPFL), has programming and scripting experience, is fluent in several languages, but also has an insatiable admiration for art and the tools to create and communicate.

If you would like Phil to present Project Dogwaffle to you, your team, a user group or school or other organization, or to hold a training seminar, please don't hesitate to contact him. Philip is multi-lingual and loves to educate you about Project Dogwaffle in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and other languages.

Phil loves to teach and train you on Carrara, Dogwaffle and other tools which allow you to create special fx and Hollywood-style magic right on your home computer. He has run and organized live web-casts for solar eclipses. He also has taught seminars at Anaheim's Anime Expo, at OASIS, the San Diego Computer Fair, and numerous trade-shows and computer clubs.

Do you have a question for Philip?  Contacts

We're based in Southern California, between Los Angeles and San Diego.
Howler Students Online documentation About us
PD Artist Faculty Forums Blogs
Particle Institutions FAQ
Soundtrack collection Tutorials
Newtonian follower for LW LW Tutorials
Windows store apps Contacts